ScotianAires Quartets

ScotianAires is proud to have the following quartets associated with our chorus. 


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In December of 2016, two harmony Queens and two music teachers came together to find that they enJOY!ed making wonderful music. Since then there has been a lot of singing, competing, and laughter! Placing 5th at Harmony, Inc.’s International contest was certainly a highlight, but every hour spent sharing the love of harmony keeps this ensemble smiling. Lyric mezzo-soprano, Jenn, takes the reins as quartet lead, with Harmony Queen Jane on bass. Fellow Queen, Judy, soars on tenor, while Singing Judge, Sue, completes the sound as baritone.

Message from enJOY!: "We are proud to be the highest scoring quartet at Area 1 Convention, 2022 and so excited to be entertaining our audiences once again.  It feels like forever since we have performed on a stage."

General public contact: Jennifer Cleveland
Area of operation: Dartmouth
Province: NS


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Marion (Lead), Adele (Bass), Cathy (Baritone) and Mickey (Tenor) love singing a wide variety of song styles together in close four-part harmony. Over the past decade, Tonic! has enjoyed performing for many audiences throughout Atlantic Canada, as well as competing both regionally and internationally.

Tonic! has also proudly represented Harmony Inc.’s Area 1 region as Quartet Champions from 2015 through 2019. At the 2018 International Convention and Contest in Orlando, FL, Tonic! received fifth place medals as well as the “Image of Harmony Award” for service within the organization and the wider community. Tonic is thrilled to have the opportunity to perform for live audiences once again, and can't wait to entertain you!

General public contact: Cathy Hunter
Area of operation: Dartmouth
Province: NS

Lady Lyrix

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Lady Lyrix

Lady Lyrix formed in late 2019, and after Covid lock downs, we finally were able to sing together regularly and build a repertoire. Our lead, Michelle, and our tenor, Elizabeth, are sisters and regularly bring that sisterly love to rehearsals. Michelle is a beautiful story teller, and Elizabeth adds such sparkle to our sound. Our bass, Tanya, is a true performer and a “lead with a bass voice”. Our baritone, Heather, is a musical genius and has been known to rewrite parts to better fit our range, or do up personal learning tracks for our songs.

We really are great friends first, and quartet-mates second - we learned that rehearsals require built in “catch up” time.

AC&C 2024 we competed for the first time and were over the moon happy to receive the ‘New Voices’ award for highest scoring novice quartet. In addition, we also placed 4th out of 10 competing quartets. Wow!

We can’t wait to sing for you.

General public contact: Heather MacIntyre
Area of operation: 1
Province: NS

Hummm Bugs

Hummm Bugs

Well, the HummmBugs are back! Nan Bowlin, Elaine Blanchard, and Joyce Pitcher recently welcomed Leann Campbell into the colony. We knew instantly that our melodic nectar was special!
This new HummmBugs debuted on-stage as the ‘sound check quartet’ for AC&C 2023. Go big or go home!
Our tenor NAN, a voice and piano teacher, flies high with her intricate overtones.
Our bass ELAINE, an insurance industry retiree, drones and drives our songs with her rich, low tones.
Our baritone JOYCE, military retiree and Royal Canadian Legion President, pollinates our sound with the tricky stuff.
Our lead LEANN, entrepreneur in the healthcare and real-estate fields, flutters through the air with her memorable melodies.

Our hive is buzzing with excitement and we look forward to swarming you with our harmonic honey!


General public contact: Joyce Pitcher
Area of operation: Dartmouth
Province: NS

Making Waves

General public contact:
Area of operation: Dartmouth
Province: NS

On Air

New Quartet in 2023!

On Air

Summer 2021 fired up this Area 1 group to form On Air. "Three ScotianAires decided to come together to sing for fun and personal growth,” shares Heather, On Air’s bass-who-normally-sings-baritone. "Jill and Leanne lured in quartet-savvy Sue to sing tenor – for the first time!" says Heather. 

Between schedules and pandemic restrictions, the foursome found no window of opportunity to connect and mesh their sound. Fast-forward to winter of 2023, a new bass stepped in when the original opted out, and they finally found time to rehearse as a full quartet. Continuing the original goal of singing toward growth and with a focus on tunes made popular “on air” (aka, radio), On Air is looking forward to making music together and sharing their songs at performances and gatherings. 

In addition to singing lead in her first ever quartet, Jill is the ScotianAires Performance Chair and is a Performance Judge. Heather has been an HI member since 2019 and also sings baritone in Lady Lyrix quartet. Leanne is a retired music teacher, the ScotianAires Assistant Director and Music Chair, and has been an HI member since 2016. Sue is the Director of ScotianAires, a Singing Judge, piano and voice teacher, member of many past quartets, and current baritone with enJOY! quartet.

General public contact: Leanne Dharmaratnam
Area of operation: Dartmouth
Province: NS

Best Before Date

New Quartet in 2023!

Best Before Date
General public contact:
Area of operation: Nova Scotia
Province: NS

Hot Flash

Hot Flash
Hold on to your fans everyone! There’s a new quartet in town and they’re turning up the heat!

All four members of Hot Flash are new to Harmony Inc. since 2023. They may be newbies but they bring a
contagious energy to every performance.
When these four gals first came together, they clicked instantly. Shared meals and the occasional glass of wine may have helped them bond but it’s their joy of singing that fuels their energetic presence.
Lisa, their supportive bass, keeps everyone grounded as she effortlessly carries the bass line. Charlene’s attention to detail shines through in her baritone harmonies. And then there’s Kim, their fearless lead. With the heart of a storyteller, she sets the pace and tone for every song. And last but certainly not least, Penny rounds out the sound with her soaring tenor notes. She is the feather in the cap of this flamboyant foursome.
Hot Flash is thrilled to join the Harmony Inc. family!
General public contact: Charlene Jones
Area of operation: 1
Province: NS

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